When someone engages in a tarot reading with me, I know that we will tap the subconscious mind. Think of a “You can run but you can’t hide scenario.” As the reading unfolds, as we peel the onion, many layers come to light, based on the querant’s question. By the time the reading is complete, there is clarity on the path forward. There is comfort, understanding, and hope. People leave with a smile on their lips and in their eyes, for they have recovered hope.
Recently I read for a young woman seeking advice on her love life. Among the first three cards she drew were the Two of Cups and The Lovers. There are 72 cards in the deck. What were the chances? Love was on her mind. Reassurance from the Universe appeared through two key cards for love. The reading went on to reveal the Knight of Cups who is filled with love, compassion, gallantry, and devotion. I know love is around the corner for this young lady and now she knows it too.

Two Of Cups
A promising new romantic connection is shown here. This is all about falling in love and the thrill of discovery, butterflies, intimacy, giddiness that can go along with it.
This card can also be about a harmonious platonic partnership that is meant to be.
People you love need to know that you love them, but sometimes we do not share our feelings enough. This card reminds us to do so.

The LoversThe Lovers symbolize partnership and intimacy. The Lovers is a welcome card in any reading. Two equals coming together. Masculine and feminine are elevated by uniting in spiritual union. Together they become more than they were alone, better able to handle life’s challenges. Love is all important to us. We cannot survive without it. Yet, relationships are incredibly complex and challenging and relationship questions are the most common topics in tarot readings. |

Knight Of Cups
The Knight of Cups readily opens his heart. He expresses his feelings easily and he represents all forms of love from romantic and passionate to platonic and the love we have for family members.
Vulnerability can be scary especially when we have been badly hurt by love. The Knight of Cups encourages us to be open to express love and to receive it. He wants us to liven up life with passion and excitement.
The Knight of Cups can be an attractive, charismatic, charming, and adoring lover or a love interest. He is a hopeless romantic. Get ready to be swept off your feet.

Three Of Swords
Another woman asked me if she would soon be pregnant. She and her husband were becoming discouraged as they really wanted a baby. The second card she drew told me about the block. The Three of Swords is either about grief, loss, and heartbreak or it can mean there is someone the querant must forgive in order to move forward. I asked, “Is there someone you need to forgive?” The answer was an immediate “Yes.”
“Is it a parent?” “Yes” “Your mother?” “Yes.”
It was clear she was still suffering from the painful and difficult childhood she had experienced. My client recognized that she must forgive her mother. It resonated with her that the resentment, pain, and anger she was holding onto were blocking her from welcoming a child into her life.
The Three of Swords is a card of overwhelming pain. Deep heartache has resulted from backstabbing, cheating, cruelty, abuse, or evil wrongdoing on the part of someone we trusted. There are feelings of acute distress when this card is present. The heart has been wounded from traumatic past events.
Holding on to anger, resentment and bitterness only prolongs the pain. Forgiveness must take place for the heart to truly heal. An opportunity to heal is being presented. It is time to release painful people or things from your life, including bitter and painful memories.
There is nothing to fear from a reading. The tarot advises. It nudges and sometimes it shouts. It is a powerful tool for self-awareness to provide clarity and guidance. A reading is a powerful process that tells you what you need to hear in your life right now. Contact me to see what your cards reveal.