A 28-year-old female client came to me for a reading on life and love. She wanted to learn whether self-love is the key to your life.

She said she felt lonely and sad without a partner, yet she had been badly hurt in a recent relationship and she was afraid to love again. 

She really loved the man who was no longer in her life but heated disagreements and discussions over their different ways of relating had revealed incompatibility. 

Watch this video to learn more about what the cards told her about the importance of self-love in her life. 

If you enjoyed watching this video and would like to learn more about the full reading click here to read our latest blog about how self-love is the key to your life.


I recently had a client that was interested in pursuing a career in law. 

However, she wasn’t sure if this field was right for her, as it is a field that is very competitive and challenging.  

She felt constantly drawn to this field and felt that she would be well suited to it, so I did a 9 card Tarot reading for her around Law.

Watch this video to learn more about what the cards told her related to her potential career move.

If you enjoyed watching this video and would like to find out more about this reading click here to read our latest blog about what the 9 card Tarot spread had in store for her.

Have you ever wondered what the Tarot can tell you about love?

What questions would you ask the Tarot?

Watch this video to learn more about some of the Tarot cards related to love.

If you enjoyed watching this video, and would like to learn more then click here to read our latest blog post about love, wishes and desires and what the Tarot can tell you about them.